Thomas Enters: A Mission Statement

If Sean could see me now.My first tentative steps into the state of Maryland had been exciting. Nothing could prepare me for what I shall now be tested. Of course I come in as an equal to most here, at least in power. In intelligence most are totally outclassed.

I strive to prove my worth to the Camarilla, but sometimes their goals are brought by via methods that they try to "rise above". But I am not fooled, there is, of course, a real Jyhad. And, whether a pawn or not, I am proud to carry out my part in it. Those that have fallen by my hand I am proud to declare. Well over two dozen of those pathetic anarchic bastards have meet the final death at my hand.

But my last attacks upon seemed to displease many of higher status, and I must respect their wishes, lest I become what I hate. My brother-in-law and I have arrived in Maryland to carry out vengeance, vengeance to all of those who bear the political corruption of those who destroyed Sean.

I had met Sean once. He had the cold discipline of all members of the House Winter. His statues here were loved by all of the House. And I shared special pride in my uncle when word reached the House that he was an elder, almost as proud when he was proclaimed a regent.

But I digress, those bastards destroyed Sean. Cowardly ambushing an order and power that they could never hope to overcome on their own, the power of the Camarilla. They had repulsed the Sabbat, and the anarchs sensed the weakness, the blood tried bodies, and they struck with cowardice.

As they have struck again. When my brother and I had heard from California that the Anarchs had struck again, I saw a gateway to follow the steps of my model growing up, Sean Winter of House Winter; Regent of Clan Tremere, and Elder of the Camarilla. I have followed in his footsteps. He was once a neonate like myself, and he grew into an elder. Like he was, we are still but a buffer to defend the Holy Stronghold of Washington, D.C. Defend it we shall, for we who have the opportunity to graduate.

We have immense ability, and once we prove our effectiveness, these realms will sprout everywhere, and the Camarilla will form a fist to strike back at the hated Anarchs and Sabbat. That will be accomplished. And with a Tremere leading, we could only be glorified.

Thomas Winter, of House Winter: Clan Tremere

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